People who love to take a quick break to get some donuts or a cup of coffee may not realize how challenging these seemingly simple tasks might be for those with hearing loss. We cannot switch off our sense of hearing, thus it is difficult to realize what it is like to NOT be able to hear on a daily basis. Problems faced by the hearing-impaired have been studied worldwide.
A recent research study conducted from the Universities of Jyvaskyla and Tampere in Finland was published in the Journal of Gerontology. The researchers studied 848 participants aged between 75 and 90 over a period of two years. The results indicated that people with hearing loss had double the chances of restricting their movements to areas in close proximity only. Furthermore, they also found that those with hearing loss tended to have decreased frequencies of mobility even within close proximity areas, compared to those without hearing loss.
A researcher named Hannele Polku who is one of the PhD students that conducted the study, reported that a simple audiogram result is insufficient to show the manner in which hearing impairment impacts an individual’s daily life. People with larger social communicative needs may find that their lives are largely affected with even mild forms of hearing loss. However, people who engage in domestic tasks on their own do not face as many problems with similar levels of hearing loss.
Hearing loss can cause a person to become less active and less mobile. This can lead to social isolation which can result in psychological problems such as depression or anxiety. Johns Hopkins University recently found a connection between hearing loss and dementia. Furthermore, hearing loss can also adversely affect personal relationships. This is why it is important to treat hearing impairment so that it does not disrupt your daily routine, relationships, and lifestyle. A study from Japan reported that people who successfully treated their hearing damage using hearing devices depicted increased cognitive abilities when compared to those with untreated hearing loss.
Treating hearing loss can also improve your productivity at work and reduce any chances of income loss due to hearing impairment. Interpersonal relationships also benefit from the treatment of hearing loss since communication drastically improves as a result of using hearing aids.
Wearing hearing aids improves confidence and increases your chances of becoming more active and engaged in your daily environment. You can stay connected and updated using modern Bluetooth technology that lets you stream your calls directly into your hearing aids. Wearing hearing aids drastically improves your quality of life. If you feel that you or a loved one can benefit from the use of hearing aids, consult a hearing professional today.